Put Yourself Out There & Gain New Opportunities


Welcome to Episode 19 with Sue Jeffries!

Let's talk about putting yourself out there. It's scary isn't it. As a business owner you are faced with putting yourself out there into your community, into the world, in so many different ways to help grow our business. It can be challenging at times and hard to overcome the fear of showing up in new ways.  

Our guest on the podcast has a story that I think will really help you! She has put herself out there in a big way and has grown a successful business in doing so. This platform that she has created has helped her to overcome that fear and has opened up so many opportunities for not only her but for family members, clients and others around her. 

I really hope you enjoy listening to Sue Jeffries from Second Time Round as she shares with us her story about growing a business by seizing opportunities created from putting yourself out into the world! 

Connect With Sue Jeffries From Second Time Round:

👉 You can visit Second Time Round here - https://secondtimeround.com.au

👉 Or DM Sue on Instagram here - @second_time_round_nsw

What’s next…

P.S Whenever you’re ready, here’s a few ways we can help you :)

  • Want to map out your direction and feel confident in the steps you’re taking in business? Check out our FREE resource where we share with you an easy strategy that helps you find clarity!

  • Are you a regional small business owner, creative or aspiring and want help with your branding, marketing, sales, customer experience or even just growing your confidence within business? Click here to chat with us about 1:1 business coaching where we will help you bring your small business dreams to life!


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Creating An Impactful Business Platform That Inspires