Introducing the NEW Taylah Maree!

It is easy to follow the so called “gurus” and believe what they are telling us is right...

We follow along out of fear that we might miss out on something, or that we will learn the “right” way to do the things that’s needed to achieve the results we are longing for. It is easy to listen to society's expectations and believe it knows best. To see the doctored images sprawled across social media and feel like there is something missing in our own life. To see the big ticket results of those with different circumstances and understand that to be the big goal that everyone “should” be heading towards. 

But then, you end up being left feeling soulless. Empty. A shell. You run yourself into burn out. And you leave what’s left of you for your partner, your children, your family and friends. You feel yourself dying a little on the inside but honestly believing that you are doing all the right things so you hide the way you feel. Society also has us believe that we can keep going on even when things get tough. “Chin up” they say, “rub some cement on your wounds and toughen up.” “You’ve got this”. 

Deep down you know you haven’t got this. Deep down you believe you’ve got nothing, you haven’t achieved what you wanted to and you feel alone. 

It is then at this moment that you start to look for something else. A different way to the path you are on. Something to make you feel better. And this is where you have a choice. 

You can stay on the path you are already on. You can continue heading down the rocky road with every bump another ache in your body, every curve another layer on top hiding your creative center - who you were born to be. 

This path resulting in a depression of thoughts, anxiety attacks, poor health both physical and mental. And you feel you lose hope for everything you used to dream of, in place of searching for a quick boost of energy just to make you feel better in the moment. You see the person you are becoming and know this isn’t you, but you believe you don’t know how to change. 


you can take one step off that path. Just one. Because that one step will lead to another, and another and soon you are walking (shaping) a new path. Soon, you are building the foundations to your OWN guidelines. Not someone else’s. Soon you are pathing your own way and not following others dreams, but following your own creative energy and the opportunities this brings. Soon, you see the world through a different lens and not only do you benefit from this, but so does everyone around you. You lift up not only yourself, but others as well by living from your creative energy and in doing so, you create the thing you want the most. The small creative business with the impact you dream of. 

To take that one step, might sound hard. But, a little inspiration at the right moment is what’s needed to spark your creative energy and to help you see a different way. From there, having people in your corner who are encouraging you when you need it, who are helping you to identify what you want + how to get it, who understand what you’ve been through and know when your inner voice will try and stop you from leaving your comfort zone, having someone there will help you make a lasting change. To have someone who makes you feel part of a community, so you know you always have someone to turn to if you need. Accountability when you lack motivation. Someone to help you find your strength and confidence. 

And that is why I am rebranding. 

Having three businesses no longer matches my own desire in life and the impact I want to make. Three platforms dilutes my message and not only makes it hard for people to connect with me, but stops me from having the impact that I dream of.

So instead, I have brought all that I do to the one space to concentrate solely on one business, one brand, one message and to strengthen the impact and delivery I provide for you.

I am using my own brand, Taylah Maree, to path the way, own my own confidence and strength and to operate from my own creative energy to help others do the same.

I want to help regional creatives grow their confidence and build an impactful small business with heart that provides countless opportunities for them to live from their creative center. So they can make the impact they desire in their life as well. 

That message, that brand needs to be strong in presence, strong in its mission, strong in its focus and strong in its delivery. And to do that, one business is all it takes to make the change I see so many regional creatives needing! 

Uniting all the ways I love to help people under one platform to make the biggest impact I can in my current season of life and to do so in a way that doesn’t restrict the possible future, but opens opportunities I never thought possible.

Introducing Taylah Maree - photography + business coach for rural + regional creative small biz!

I am beyond excited to help you in your regional creative business journey! x

What’s next…

P.S Whenever you’re ready, here’s a few ways we can help you :)

  • Need a little guidance when it comes to growing your business impact? Head on over to our coaching page to see our different options.

  • Does your business need a refresh of images? Take a look at our photography packages.

  • Are you needing to get out of the house or be surrounded by other creatives and feel inspired to work on your business? Call on into our Taylah Maree space by clicking here.


A Creative At Heart With James O’Hanlon


Put Yourself Out There & Gain New Opportunities