How To Be A Mumma In Business


In 2017 this little man entered our world…

… and changed everything! :)

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Eli could sometimes be found clinging to me during photoshoots in the baby carrier you see in the picture above, providing extra entertainment + cuddles of course :) or sleeping beside my desk in his bassinet as I edited. My little source of inspiration.

Then, in 2021 my inspiration grew and we were absolutely blessed with the birth of our second child, our baby girl Eva. She has assumed the role pretty quickly of keeping Mumma company while I edit and being chief mischief maker while her brother is at pre school :)

But, while I say all of this with a light hearted approach, it is CERTAINLY not always rainbows and sparkles and that’s what I want to talk about today.

I know that I am not the only one who has struggled with being a Mumma and having big ambitious goals!

As a Mumma in business, sometimes it’s hard - freaking hard. But to be honest, if there is one thing that I have learnt, it’s that in those hard moments we find our strength and learn what we are really capable of.

Have you felt these emotions too? Because these are thoughts I have had, felt or experienced throughout my motherhood journey so far and when left unsaid, I know from experience that they can turn into something bigger than they should be! So let’s call out that little voice inside our head who manipulates our thoughts!

  • I have felt judged for going straight back to work…

  • I have had mum guilt for working while my babies are little…

  • I have resented wanting time for my business but then also time for my babies…

  • I have felt like it is all too much at times and like I couldn’t handle what I have created…

  • I have felt like a failure and like I have let my family and myself down…

  • I have struggled to find examples of other Mumma’s in business and thought it wasn’t possible…

  • I have felt like I just couldn’t do it!

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Looking back on these emotions is heartbreaking! No Mum should ever feel this way and yet I know you do because I do too! So, are you ready to create a movement and change the way society perceives Mumma’s who are ambitious, goals getters?? Because I certainly am!

With all the life lessons I have learnt so far in my motherhood journey, I have put together a list of my top 5 tips for being a Mumma in business.

To any Mumma in business or even if you are just starting out, keep on reading lovely! I’m here for you xx



  1. Practise Mindset + Self DEVELOPMENT. Your mindset influences EVERYTHING in your life including feeling mum guilt, judged and resentment! It is so important to know how to navigate your thoughts + emotions - particularly when something as life changing as having a baby occurs in your life. It makes you realise all that judgement and resentment comes from within.

  2. BELIEVE in your SELF. You 100% have got this! If I could reach through your screen right now and hold your shoulders as I said this, I would. But it is so easy to doubt ourselves and if you don’t have self belief, outside validation will mean nothing.  Look for your belief within YOU and never doubt your ability to do amazing things in this world… because you already are!

  3. Know that one size DOES NOT fit all. OMG, if I could shout this from the rooftops I would! There is only 1 thing here you need to focus on and that is your INTUITION - you will know when something is too much or not enough. Find a way to cut through all the noise and listen to what your intuition is telling you. It just has to be right for YOU and YOUR beautiful bubba!

  4. Look for EXAMPLES of Mumma's in business and surround yourself with INSPIRATION. It is easy to get stuck in the world of "I can't have it all", but YES, YES YOU CAN and you most certainly will if you want it and have others to follow! Find those who already have the life you desire and use examples to help guide and inspire you!

  5. Listen when people say, you can be BOTH. Being told this was life changing for me so I want to tell you the same! You can be a wonderful Mumma + a successful business owner all at the same time because you are resourceful! Stay true to your passion and you will achieve ANYTHING you set your mind to!

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I hope that this provides you with inspiration + encouragement to continue pursuing your dreams because YES you can be a Mumma + whatever else you want to be! I know these tips will help you to navigate motherhood in a whole new way!

And as a little side note to add, don’t EVER be afraid to reach out. Do not stay stuck in the fear of not being the best Mumma or business owner, or not being able to cope or do it all! This will not help you to move forward, it will send you further back and you deserve so much more than that! <3


I would love for you to reach out if you are needing someone to chat to :) Simply click the button below today and send me a text :) xx

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Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)

  1. If you are an ambitious Mumma looking to take that next step + grow an idea or create something of your own, please click here. I would love to share with you tools, knowledge + support to help you bring your dreams to life!

  2. If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)

  3. If you would like join the Taylah Maree newsletter list, you will receive emails to keep you motivated, inspired + on track to achieving your biggest goals in business and life! Click here to sign up today.


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