The Secret To Success - It Isn’t What You Think!

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I know this wouldn’t come as a shock to you when I say…

… I know that you move the goals posts for yourself!!!

How often do you achieve that thing you have been so wanting to achieve and then quickly move on to the next goal not even pausing to recognise your accomplishment?

I bet that you hardly ever stop to recognise the incredible moments that have been piling up for you!

In my experience, I have found this is an easy habit to get into. We are so focused on the journey getting to the next big goal or dream, that we don’t even add into our action plan the time to celebrate when we finally make it!

And to further that thought, what does it even mean to you to “finally make it”? Do you know? Do you have a marker or a set checklist that tells you when you have hit success? Or do you just keep on going never quite sure of what true success really looks like to you?

The Secret To Success | I Am Taylah Maree 2.jpg

“If you aren’t aware of what success means to you and you don’t have a way of measuring the success you achieve, then how can you determine if you ARE successful?”

It’s a bold statement I know, but you can’t!

Those who are successful, are because they believe that they are. They know exactly what success looks like and means to them and they have belief in their ability and their achievements. They take the time for gratitude - to pause and celebrate their wins!

I know you don’t do this and you really should! Because what you are achieving is amazing! So that is why I decided to share a little guide that I created for my digital course - the Mindful Business Hub - members. This guide includes a simple technique that allows you to soak up a moment and create an anchor so that you have a way of knowing exactly what success looks like to you!

This guide will help you to:

  • feel successful!

  • take more time to appreciate your accomplishments!

  • allow you to realise how truly amazing you are!

Let me share with you 👇👇

A Guide To Accessing Your Success | I Am Taylah Maree.jpg



** It is important to complete this exercise when you ARE feeling the following:

  • extremely successful 

  • incredibly positive 

  • super happy 

  • triggered in a positive way 

  • ah-mazing 

Step 1:

You have experienced this amazing feeling of happiness + success!! Pause in the moment. Be conscious about taking the time to celebrate the feelings you are experiencing! This is your happy, successful state, enjoy it! Feel how this moment is making you respond and if you can record (in a journal or notes on your phone) your answers to the following questions:

  • What is the experience you have had to make you feel happy/successful?

  • What are you feeling?

  • How would you describe your emotions?

  • What can you see, hear, smell, taste?

Step 2:

Now take a photo to capture this moment. C L I C K : ) Take a "selfie" on your phone or iPad - don't fix your hair, pose for the camera or change a thing! This moment is perfect just the way it is because this is the moment that made you experience this feeling. Simply look straight into the camera and take a photo of you and exactly how you are feeling. 

Step 3:

Store your success selfies in a folder on your phone - or even go one step further and print them out to put in an album. Your folder is now your space, your anchor that allows you to feel successful or happy whenever you want to! YES IT IS THAT SIMPLE!!

When you are feeling unhappy, or unsuccessful, visit your folder to transport you back to those times when you felt amazing. Just by looking at your state in the photograph it will help to remind you what those feelings felt like so you can replicate those emotions in your current state. Your mind will naturally seek out those stored away emotions so you can feel that way again.

By doing this, it also familiarises your body with the emotions and reactions you relate to feeling successful or happy. So next time you have a similar experience, your body will be trained to immediately recognise your success! It will trigger you to pause in the moment and appreciate what is happening around you!

>> Thus resulting in the more successful moments you actually have :)

E X A M P L E :


I would love to see your success selfies if you are willing to share? Send me your photos by clicking the “Text” button below. 

And one last thing before you go… If you think you are successful - then you ARE :) Deep down you know what you are capable of and what you ARE ALREADY achieving! Take a moment to recognise this!

Until next time, always celebrate you and your amazing achievements! xx

Let’s connect…

  1. Calling all ambitious, creative souls! If you are ready to find your direction, improve your marketing and grow your business, then please click here. I would love to share with you the tools to keep you motivated, inspired + achieving those goals to celebrate!

  2. If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)


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