How To Get Out Of Your Own Way


Do you know that you stand in your own way at times? Don’t worry, I do it too. But, in my business journey so far I have also learnt a thing or two about getting out of your own way so that you can pursue what lights you up. So in the podcast today this is exactly what we are discussing.


Welcome to the first ever episode of the Hidden Creative Podcast! Just saying that out loud fills me with the warm + fuzzies, and yep you will probably hear me say this from time to time throughout the podcast because it’s my measure of happiness. You know when you are in your zone of genius or as I like to call it your creative zone, that space where you are doing something that truly lights you up! That’s the warm + fuzzies for me because when I am in that space it gives me this overwhelming warm + fuzzy feeling of happiness in my chest! And I believe that’s what being a creative is all about. We continually seek out experiences + adventures that provide us with that beautiful sense of joy.

I also believe that creatives have this incredible ability to change the world and for the better! And that’s one of the reasons why this podcast exists.

Now, I went back and forth for so long over what topic to start the podcast with. After having the podcast on my vision board since early 2019, it’s safe to say that I had put it up on this pedestal and my perfectionism took over. Any time a topic popped into my head, that little voice inside kept saying no that isn’t right. No, they won’t like that. No, that’s not good enough. And I’m not going to tell you how many sleepless nights I had writing and rewriting content for my very first episodes. 

But, then it hit me. The best topic to start with is one I know well - and one I know that so many other creatives struggle with too - How to get out of your own way. 

Because even though it took me a little while to get my you know what together and actually turn this dream into a reality, here I am today talking to you on my very own podcast which means that I must have done something right. Right.

So, I want to share with you some of the tips that I have learnt throughout my business journey so far that has helped me to get out of my own way and to pursue the things that really light me up and give me the warm and fuzzies! 

Are you ready? Let’s go…

5 Steps For How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

👉 #1: Value Your SELF (Two Words)

If you are like me, your days are full with the everyday house chores, helping others, work and keeping up with the kiddies and trying to keep a focus on just one thing can be a little tricky

And with all the things happening, it is easy to find excuses for why you can’t do something for yourself. After all, working in our creative zone feels more like leisure than work and how can we allow time for that when there are still things to be done. 

But, do you know what happens when you don’t fill your cup and allow yourself to explore that creative zone. Not only do you give everyone a lesser version of yourself, but you also forget what lights you up. So if you need permission or a reminder that it’s ok to take time for you, then here it is :) Instead of finding the excuses in your day for why you can’t do something, value yourself enough to take the time you need to explore your passions and interests. 

👉 #2: Find The Opportunities

Moving on from #1, when you stop seeing the excuses that hold you back, you open yourself up to being able to see the opportunities. And this is wonderful! It is definitely a skill that can be developed and it comes from having self awareness. But instead of seeing the blocks that stop, you can train your mind to find the opportunities. 

Living in a regional area, I found it quite lonely when I first went out on my own as a lifestyle photographer working from home. However, after a trip to Newcastle for a book launch, and meeting with an amazing business owner who invited me for a coffee where we chatted about everything, I came home with a new idea. Instead of feeling lonely and isolated, I would create my own business group and invite all other local creatives + business owners to join me for a coffee once a month where we could chat, bounce ideas off one another and find inspiration and support within our own community! 

👉 #3: Grow Your Confidence In The Doing

It’s that age old saying - feel the fear and do it anyway. And while I know you have heard this before, it really is an impactful saying! Feel the fear and do it anyway. My interpretation of this is that I find so much clarity and confidence in the doing, that even though I have anxiety, self doubt and fear like the rest of us, I don’t let that stop me from doing what I want to do. Because I know that my confidence will grow the more I chase after a dream or push myself to try new things + experiences.  and I believe that’s what sets a successful creative apart. When you are able to recognise your emotions, but then still act on your passion even if your hands are shaking. 

There have been so many times when this has happened for me. Driving to a property I have never been to before to photograph a family I have never met, photographing a wedding and knowing that you can’t ask them to kiss again at their ceremony, standing in front of an audience to speak about my adventures as a business owner, sitting infront of a microphone and a computer speaking to people who I can’t even see all to create an episode on my very own podcast. Each of these experiences have had me trembling, trust me! But, I still do it anyway because the reward far outweighs that discomfort. 

And as a side note, this isn’t an encouragement to chase after something that isn’t aligned or right for you, but when you know you want to do something but YOU are keeping yourself from doing it, that is when I say feel the fear and do it anyway. 

There will never be the right time where you feel confident enough, smart enough or good enough to pursue your passion. You just have to go after it with the mindset that you will learn in the doing and your confidence will follow!

👉 #4: Have People In Your Corner

Like I said, I know that being a creative can feel lonely at times because we are different. We have so many ideas, sometimes we move really quickly with our thoughts and it can be hard for others to keep up with. But, there will be people in your life who will support you, who you can seek guidance from and know that they are there for you.

Having people in your corner helps with accountability and being called out if you are standing in your own way. I know I am so lucky that I have a supportive husband and Mumma bear who are both there for me when I need a good speaking to or an ear to listen. But, if you are still finding your people, then please add me to your list! Subscribe to the podcast, or reach out on Instagram because being a creative’s biggest fan is what I love to do most!

👉 #5: What You Want + Why You Want It = Inspired Action

The last tip I want to share is a little formula I have developed - What You Want + Why You Want It = Inspired Action - I have learned when getting out of your own way, that when you know what you want + why you want it opportunities arise, and the how just works itself out.

This is because you in turn take inspired action to achieve the goal you are chasing. You know what you want, you have motivation to achieve it and therefore nothing stands in your way. When this is your focus your energy is put into achieving what you want.

So to recap on the steps,

#1 is to value your self, remember two words, give yourself the time to explore your creative zone and don’t feel bad about this, 

#2 is to seek out and find the opportunities rather than focusing on the excuses

#3 is to grow your confidence in the doing and even though you may feel fear, to do it anyway because the rewards outweigh the doubts

#4 is to have people in your corner who you can call and count on

#5 is to know what you want, and why you want it so that you than can take inspired action. 

If I can leave you with one final thought it is that every step you take is still a step forward. Even if it feels like you are going backwards and not achieving your goals, this is still a learning opportunity that will help you to grow. The world needs what only you can provide, so don’t stand in your way any longer. I for one can not wait to hear all about your ideas and how they will change the world!

Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)

  1. If you are a regional small business owner looking to GROW your business please click here. I would love to share with you the tools to keep you motivated, inspired + on track!

  2. If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)


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