How To Turn Your Hobby Into A Creative Business


Hey guys, want to hear how one regional photographer and artist turned her passion into a creative business and dropped the traditional 9-5! I think you might, so today that is exactly what we are discussing!


What better way to kick off the Podcast's first guest episode than by interviewing my beautiful best friend Michelle York about her adventures + how she turned a hobby into a creative business!

We often joke that we should record our conversations because we cover so many different business related topics every time we chat, so instead of dreaming about it any longer, we made it happen! In this episode of the podcast I am inviting you inside a D+M with my bestie so make sure you have a cuppa and I hope you enjoy!

Topics Covered On The Podcast Today:

  1. An overview of the incredibly talented Michelle York from Michelle York Studios. Michelle is an artist and photographer based in NSW, Australia.

  2. Michelle’s process in quitting her 9-5 job to commit fully to running her business.

  3. How Michelle’s ideas form

  4. How Michelle educate’s herself not only at the beginning stages of her business, but now that she is growing.

  5. What topics she looks to learn about

  6. An inspiring message from Michelle to other creatives looking to start a creative business from their hobby!

More from Michelle York:

This is just the beginning of our conversation on the world of creative business. You will definitely be hearing more from Mush on the podcast in the near future! For now, if you are wanting to connect, you can find her details below.


Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)

  1. If you are a regional small business owner looking to GROW your business please click here. I would love to share with you the tools to keep you motivated, inspired + on track!

  2. If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)


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