Our Little Man


I want to introduce you to the most lovable, energetic, vibrant little soul who I have grown to not only love the second I knew he was growing in my tummy, but to admire his little character and charm.

He is beyond a doubt my WHY and my REASON for everything in business + in life.

Meg Wilkin Photography

Meg Wilkin Photography

This little man was brought into this world for a purpose I am so sure of that! He is as stubborn and independent as his Mumma and even though he challenges me now, I know that he will drive + inspire me when he is older - because he already does! He sees the world in a different light and pauses at moments only Eli would recognise and understand.

Do you have that little soul in your life who does the same?

Eli has this ability to look past your flaws and imperfections. He sees the real you and wholeheartedly speaks to that part of you alone. He doesn’t care for theatrics - even though a little embellishment does go along way particularly when story time is on or we are chatting about his day. But when it comes to moments that matter to him, they are very simple and straight to the point. 


Eli has the ability to look past your flaws and imperfections… he sees the real you.

— One Proud Mumma

Wade and I decided when Eli was born to keep him off social media. I would post photos without Eli’s little face to show that he did actually exist, but we wanted to keep him private why he was little.

However, as he has gotten older and his personality has developed and changed, I no longer want to hide him away from the world. He is just too precious and too vibrant to do that anymore. 

So this is our little man. The soul who will not only brighten your whole day, but will challenge you to see a better world and allow you to love + adore wholeheartedly the little things in life.

Eli’s Gallery

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The Puppet Show

Telling Mumma a very interesting story!

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Fishing With Daddy

Cranky because he wants to do it on his own :)

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First Day of Pre School

Mumma’s little man all grown up!

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Sanding His New Bed

Showing Daddy how to use the sanding block :)

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Feeding The Seagulls

Couldn’t let Grumps do it all on his own :)

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Loving Luna

His best friend and playmate xx

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Breaking the mould


Being a creative soul.