Being a creative soul.

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For so long I shied away from using my name in business out of fear of owning who I was.

Why we do these things to ourselves is beyond me…

It came to my attention not so long ago while teaching the members in the Mindful Business Hub about your BRAND - that I was hiding the real me by not showing all the photographs and not referring to the person behind the brand. Yes, I have created businesses that truly light me up and allow me to fulfil my passion in life. But, both businesses still hide the person behind the lens and the computer.

So I decided it is time for a change - to create a brand that represented the real me. The person behind the businesses :)

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I feel so truly honoured to introduce you to my brand…

— Taylah Maree

So who is the real Taylah? If you don’t know me yet, let me take 2 minutes to introduce myself + my family :)

  1. My husband is the tall, dark + handsome man in the photo above. He is a town planner and also my #1 supporter. We have a vibrant, energetic 3 year old who is our WHY for everything in life and we are also expecting our second child in July of this year :) Yes, I am pregnant!!!

  2. I am founder of Wander + Collect Photography and the Lifestyle Photographer who collects memories for the loving + warm hearted.

  3. I am also founder and the mindset + marketing coach behind the Mindful Business Hub - helping small business owners through mindset + marketing to create a business they love!

  4. I have owned and partnered in 4 small businesses that all started from a simple idea, spent the last 9 years developing my skills when it comes to all things business + ideas AND I only have one certificate. A diploma in Graphic Design (which I loved every second studying). But, why am I telling you this?

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“Because I want you to know that to pursue your biggest ideas in life, you are only limited by your imagination not your education. The most valuable teachings I have received are from my own life lessons and self education. When it comes to pursuing ideas in life, all it takes is a little courage + self belief. The rest you can figure out along the way!”

Throughout my business adventures I have developed and nurtured this passion to INSPIRE and ENCOURAGE other creative minds like YOU to pursue your biggest dreams and now through the Taylah Maree brand, I have a platform to collect all that I do and all that I have learnt throughout my life so far in the one place just for you!

I am so excited to get to know you and share in your journey to pursuing what lights you up and hearing all your stories about your own values and goals in life!

I no longer want to hide what makes me unique and I hope to encourage you to do the same! So with that statement let’s kick things off with a whole new adventure!!! Are you ready to see what’s waiting for you in your life?

Sign up to our newsletter today so that we can chat more about your dreams and I can share with you all the tools and resources I have discovered to help you achieve it :) Let’s make YOUR dreams a reality too!!

Speak soon



Our Little Man