The Hidden Creative Podcast

Adventures of a rural creative…

Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

The New Social Media Guide For Rural Creatives :)

“Being social” according to Google means you crave companionship, belonging, community.

However, I would strongly argue the point that the Social Media we know today has been named incorrectly. Because even though at first glance it might seem that way, it actually has many differing qualities that would prove otherwise.

Today we are chatting about a new way of using social media in hope to bring about a positive change.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Creative Insight From A Rural Occupational Therapist With Louise Whitton

General society shouldn’t dictate what we market for. It shouldn’t tell us what our goals are. It shouldn’t be the reason for our actions. And yet somehow along the way, we forget that WE set the intention of our business.

In today’s episode I chat with one incredible lady about her adventures as an occupational therapist. You will discover that there are more ways than one for creating a rural business that doesn’t want to fit the box. A business that wants to intentionally be different, stand out and create their own pathway forward.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Creating An Impactful Business Platform That Inspires

She started her hire business with 4 cars back in 2011 and today she has almost 150 vehicles across 2 different states. She founded her business when her son started kindy and her twin daughters were in their final year of pre school. She created a business that filled a hole in the market and grew a platform that allows her to not only help her staff grow, but give back to her community in incredible ways. And today, she is a guest on the Hidden Creative podcast.

Join me as I chat with Jacinta Mannion from Ultra Fleet about her adventures owning a business, being a Mum and helping her community.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

New Year Goal Setting 101

We all rush to set goals at the beginning of the year - it’s the done thing right? But, what if you are missing the point altogether and rather than creating goals that are thought of today, based on the expectations of others or what is happening in society at that moment, why not consider what you are already working towards, and make that even grander!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Today Enjoy Wholeheartedly!

My hope for you, is that you find your stillness in these moments before 2023 begins. I hope that you hit pause, truly be present and in your moments + let go of all expectations you place on yourself. And I hope that you can truly relax and soak up this moment before 2023 begins.

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