Today Enjoy Wholeheartedly!


I am such a big believer in that the energy we put out into the world creates our reality and ever since I began the podcast I have been saying that I just don’t think I have found my voice yet with it. Every time I hit record I feel like I lose my voice. Well, guess what happened just before Christmas. Yep, I lost my voice.

I had high hopes of putting out another podcast just before Christmas, and even with those high expectations, plans and all the organising that went on behind the scenes, I just couldn’t talk. No amount of preparation prepared me for that.

I am also a big believer in hitting the pause button so that our mind + body can have time to stop, reflect, be still and allow space for new thoughts + ideas. This is where I believe the best gold lies and our creativeness flourishes. 

During this Christmas to New Year break, while I was hitting pause on my business mindset - because let’s face it, Christmas is a busy time of year particularly if you are like our family and have multiple families to visit on the day. I didn’t think about work, I didn’t feel the overwhelm of deadlines. I simply was in the moment + enjoyed spending time with our family, and my voice finally came back. 

So, I wanted to do one last podcast for 2022 to share this message. My hope for you, is that you find your stillness in these moments before 2023 begins. I hope that you hit pause, truly be present and in your moments + let go of all expectations you place on yourself. And I hope that you can truly relax and soak up this moment before 2023 begins.

As one year ends, a whole new year of possibilities awaits and they are there just for you. They aren’t going anywhere. So today, enjoy wholeheartedly.

Celebrate you, your family, all your achievements big and small, be grateful for the amazing life you are living and look for your abundance. 

This is my final podcast episode for 2022 and I want to thank you from my whole heart for listening and following along the hidden creative podcast journey. I am so excited for 2023 and what's to come.

I hope that all your biggest dreams come true in 2023!


The Mindful Business Hub space is opening January 12th 2023 in Gunnedah. A space for regional creatives + small business owners to feel inspired to create, to dream BIG, to learn how to overcome self doubts + insecurities, and to actually act on all of this and gift the world your talents.

From the moment you walk in, you will feel inspired + motivated to chase after your wildest ideas. You will look around and immediately know you are in the right place and that you aren't alone in your journey. You will wholeheartedly know that you have got this because there are people around you to support you!

More from The Mindful Business Hub Space:

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  1. If you are a regional small business owner looking to GROW your business please click here. I would love to share with you the tools to keep you motivated, inspired + on track!

  2. If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)


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