The Online Tools I Use In Business
Would you like to know the online tools I use…
Then look no further, because below you will find just that! But, before I share with you my list, there’s just one thing you need to know first :)
Who doesn’t love to go behind the scenes of a business right? I know I do and discovering the tools other small business owners use to help their business grow can be a great source of inspiration!
I see blog after blog on the best online tools and platforms to use and it is great to know what’s out there! There are so many online platforms from payment processing, nurturing clients, scheduling content, the list is endless!
But, here’s the thing… It is so damn easy to get caught up in “shiny object syndrome” and that is why it is important to not only know what is available BUT what will work best for YOU.
I am going to share a list of online platforms that I personally use and recommend below. BUT, before I do, I just want to share with you a little something to help make your online platform experience the best it can be…
Learning about different online tools is one thing, but using tools that are aligned with YOU and the outcome you are looking for is key!
Taylah Hudson
— SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME - Becoming easily side tracked with another idea, project, TOOL that might help you in business.
It can be confusing when using a whole heap of different platforms. Trust me, I have been there too! And what’s worse is subscribing to a list of online tools you don’t know how to use, don’t know what they are for, don’t use to their full potential AND cost you a lot of money!
Nobody wants that in business!
And this can be what happens if you fall into “shiny object syndrome'“. You end up using all the tools that you find because you think they are right for everyone in business!
But, a platform that one business benefits from may not be the best platform for you.
For example…
Wordpress is an amazing website platform! Great for SEO, customisation etc. However, if you have little to no skills when it comes to website design (think coding and website behind the scenes) and you know that you want to create and maintain your own website, then choosing a platform that is EASY to use and maintain will be at the top of your list. Wordpress may not fit into your criteria if you don’t have your own web developer. Great platform - just might not be great for you.
You might read how Instagram is the best platform to use, and then you might read that Facebook is the best platform. However, guess what. The best way to determine this for your business is to discover where YOUR IDEAL CLIENT spends their time :) Just because Instagram or FB works best for some else’s business, doesn’t mean it will work best for you!
If you know exactly what it is that you want in business, then choosing the right platforms for you becomes a whole lot easier! Stick to the online platforms that are aligned with your goals and that you know will move your business forward!
My List Of Favourite Online Tools To Help Grow My Business
Want to discover how I personally automate my business online, grow my audience, educate my clients and secure sales online. Here are the online tools I use and recommend, that are aligned with the business I am creating. Take a look to see if they align with yours too :)
— WEBSITE: Squarespace
Having a website is like having an employee in your store. Your website can greet your clients, ask them questions about what they are needing and direct them to where they need to go to find their solution. So for me, having a website platform that allows me to upload blogs, provide PDF resources, host forms + link to lead pages while showing my services + the personality behind my brand was super important! The website platform I use is Squarespace. I find it super simple to use, great for customisation and easy to create everything I need it to :)
If you are wanting a website platform that provides great support and is easy to use (with lots of different account options) then take a look at Squarespace here.
— EMAIL: Active Campaign
Ok, so I know that Mailchimp seems to be the go to in small business for email providers, however I really needed something with great automation that would link to other platforms I use. This is how I found Active Campaign. Active Campaign is AMAZING when it comes to email automation for my business. That means when you sign up to my newsletter list, or if you have downloaded the free Annual Goal Planner resource and received the link via email, you have been through one of my email automations in Active Campaign.
If you are wanting to add email automation to your strategy, separate your email list with tags or simply want to send newsletters to your list, then take a look at Active Campaign here. I find the platform really easy to use and if you are a part of the Mindful Business Hub, I share email automation templates via a simple link too all my members!
— DIGITAL COURSE: Clickfunnels
Have you ever thought about creating your own digital course? Because when I had this thought over 12 months ago, I really had no idea how I would get it out to the world! But, that is where I found Clickfunnels after experimenting with a few different options! I now use Clickfunnels to host the Mindful Business Hub digital course and have found it practical to use and set up! While Clickfunnels may not be for every business, I really find the benefit by using the platform to provide videos, downloadable resources, modules + lessons released weekly and bonus material sections all in the one place for my members! AND, it links perfectly with Active Campaign and I am able to create lead pages using the platform as well!
If you are looking for a platform to house your digital course, take a look at Clickfunnels, here.
As a Mumma of two, there is no way I want to be on social media 24/7 live posting! Just the thought of this makes me cringe! So that is why I found Planoly, a platform that allows me to plan + schedule content for Instagram in advance. I personally only use this platform for Instagram as I have found the Facebook Creator Studio amazing for Facebook scheduling. But, planoly is a great resource when working out the order of your photos + content in your Instagram grid.
To see if Planoly is right for your business, click here.
I am a graphic designer by trade. I have used graphic design specific programs since uni, however with the introduction of Canva, I can not believe how much easier it is! I use Canva to design content graphics + templates to reuse, and to store my designs and branding photos easily so I can access them on all my devices!
Try it for yourself to see if it works for your business needs. Click here to visit Canva.
“If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”
— Abraham Maslow
I hope you find this helpful! What platforms align with your business? xx
Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)
If you are a regional small business owner interested in discovering what’s possible for your small business please click here. I would love to share with you the Mindful Business Hub and the tools it can provide for you!
If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)
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