What Is A Mindful Business


You may have heard me talk about creating a “mindful business”…

… but do you actually know what that is?

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Here at the Taylah Maree headquarters, our aim is to help ambitious, creative souls like you achieve your biggest goals in business by giving you the tools to know that NOTHING should ever hold you back! — And that right there is what creating a Mindful Business is all about!

👉 When you create a mindful business, you create a business that is perfectly aligned with your goals in life - and NOTHING can get in the way of that!

Now, bringing mindfulness into your “everyday” in business doesn’t just happen. It takes conscious thought, belief and awareness around what is possible for you. But, when you know what a mindful business really is, it is easy to create for your business too!

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The more you focus on your problems in business (aka, the excuses you tell yourself), the less likely you are to look for a solution to achieving your goals.

Taylah Maree

How easy is it for you to see the problems in business. Heck, with everything that is going on in our world right now, you wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t hear of, speak of or see any problems. Here is a list of the problems I used to think affected my business prior to 2020 👇

  • Living in a small town

  • Lacking confidence

  • Being in a rural area

  • Being introverted 

  • Being a Mumma

  • (And then add 2020 and 2021 to the list!)

But, as you become more aware of what a mindful business is, you quickly learn that those problems aren’t problems at all. They are actually excuses you give yourself for why you can’t achieve your goals + success within your business. If something isn’t working, we look outside of our ‘self’ for the problem - rather than inward for the solution.

When you are a mindful business owner, you know you already have the tools you need to navigate the circumstances that surround you - regardless of:

  • where you live

  • what you do

  • how you operate

  • your family status

  • or whatever situation you are in right now.

You know nothing will ever stop you from achieving your goals in business - unless you let it!

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Looking For Ways To Create Your Own Mindful Business?

So today, I want to share with you the tools to create a Mindful Business of your own! The tools you have right at your fingertips, to help you achieve your biggest goals in business and become the level of “successful” you have always dreamt of being!

Are you ready...

— STEP 1: Know exactly what you want + why you want it!

Yep, you hear me say this all the time! But, this takes honesty + focus. Don’t create a list of goals based off what you feel you deserve, or worse, for someone else’s benefit! Create a list of goals for you and know exactly what it is that you want from your business!

Ask yourself this -

  • What are you working towards

  • What impact do you want to make

  • What problems do you want to solve for your clients

To create a Mindful Business, means you are creating a business aligned with YOU. It isn’t rocket science or some magical theory. ANYONE can create a Mindful Business and it starts with awareness! Then, knowing why you want to achieve your goals will help drive you and motivate you to achieve them!

I am actually gifting you a free resource right here on my website. The Annual Goal planner - a resource I created for the Mindful Business Hub members to list their goals in one place that I am sharing with you too! By having your goals visible, clear and in your focus - you are more likely to achieve what you say you want because YOU KNOW what that is. 

— STEP 2: Be aware of your road blocks - your emotions.

Your emotions will tell you lots and YES they come up in business too! But, negative emotions can be blocks if you let them and will stop you from achieving your goals in a heartbeat!

So here’s the thing! Cut yourself some slack! If you aren’t achieving your goals, having a bad day or can’t quite get a hold on what you want… let me tell you — it’s ok to not be ok!!! The more you bottle up your feelings, the worse your outcome is going to be. So, set a timer, write them all down or even give your bestie a call and have a D&M. Whatever it takes to get those emotions verbalised or written means that they will not only seem less than, or not as bad, but you will also know where your focus is at the moment. 

When you see your thoughts from a different perspective you are able to recognise where you are focusing and sending energy to. For example, are you concentrating on a lack of income or not being able to operate as normal, then what do you think you will create in the world around you. You will only see and attract more of this. So knowing where your focus is, means you can change it if you need to :)

— STEP 3: Be part of a community.

When you are just starting out, I feel there is a sense of competition - as you compare yourself to others in business. BUT, do you know there is no such thing as competition when you create a mindful business because NO ONE CAN BE YOU!

There is SO MUCH power in community and you can learn so much from those who have been before you. Being a small business owner means that you enter into a whole world of support, inspiration and guidance the day your business idea pops into your head!

If you are faced with a problem, or aren’t quite sure what to do, I can guarantee you, other business owners have been there or may still be there with you and it makes the world of difference when someone can share their experience or the resources that helped them.

Guidance from others can really help you to stay accountable and achieve what you want.

— STEP 4: Find the solution.

Finding the solution means you don’t just see the problem. To quote Marie Forleo - everything is figureoutable. And it is so true. Because while I know that I can’t change what is happening around me, I know for damn certain that I can definitely change how I respond. And regardless - I have goals and dreams just like you and I am going to achieve them too!

The more you practice finding the solution, the more your brain will automatically seek it out in the future. Having awareness around seeking out the solution allows you to see through any obstacle to achieve the outcome you desire!

I wholeheartedly believe in you! 

I really hope you find so much encouragement + inspiration in my words <3 I wholeheartedly believe in you and the goals you are creating AND achieving :) xx

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Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)

  1. If you are a regional small business owner interested in creating a mindful business of your own please click here. I would love to share with you the Mindful Business Hub and the tools it can provide for you!

  2. If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)

  3. If you would like join the Taylah Maree newsletter list, you will receive emails to keep you motivated, inspired + on track to achieving your biggest goals in business and life! Click here to sign up today.


How To Find Your Business Direction


The Online Tools I Use In Business