Where Do I Start?




🙋🏻‍♀️ and hello 2025!


Just like that, Christmas is over, the New Year has begun and we are well and truly off on our way in 2025!


Today is my first day back to "work" for 2025 and there is a little something I like to do at the start of every New Year. To recap on the year that has passed. This isn't a quick and easy task because it requires you to go back over all the work, all the experiences + lessons, all the places and all the feelings 🥹


But, there is so much to be learnt from a year that has passed before moving into a new one that this exercise is so incredibly powerful in its own right and worth taking the time to do.


I am currently reflecting upon my 2024 year of business and life 🧡. While it may not have been as happy as I would have liked, the little moments of joy I did experience, I am taking gratefully into this New Year and holding them dear. Knowing even more now than I did before what matters most.


If you are feeling like a little recap and reflection might help you on your way into your New Year, then let me share with you some tips... 

Where Do I Start In The New Year?


What’s Needed - Intentional TIME…

Take a moment to think back over 2024. Go back through folders of jobs (if you're like me 🙃), look back over day books/diaries, look up client bookings and think about any and all experiences you had in your small business for that previous year. Good and bad << we can learn so much from ALL experiences, not just the ones that provide a good outcome.


When reflecting upon the previous year, there are 3 questions to keep in mind and to answer when you have gone back through...


  • ✨ What do I want to START doing in the New Year?

  • ✨ What do I want to STOP doing in the New Year?

  • ✨ What do I want to CONTINUE doing into the New Year?

And one I like to add in as well..

  • ✨ What do I want to do MORE of in the New Year?


Such simple questions, with such big meaning and impact! 

I personally like to journal my answers to these questions in a notebook or Google Doc. You might like to write them on notes on your phone, or a sticky note - although make sure they are stuck somewhere where you CAN'T lose them!! 

STEP 3: 

🔆 The key ingredient here...

Create a list of actionable items that will help guide your decision making and prompt you to say "yes" to the things you want more of, and "no" to the things you don't. HOW you write this list is important, because if it doesn’t feel achievable or inspiring, then it won’t excite you to look at and you will forget it quicker than you can blink! 👀

However, if your answers to the above questions are meaningful enough to you, then take the time to purposefully create a list of actions that will inspire you, uplift you, motivate you and excite you to achieve the intentions you desire and write it in a way that YOU will respond to!

Look at your answers and write your list…

For example…

I want to feel more on purpose in my business…

Taylah, exercise that driven and determined muscle you have 😏 Remember to say no to jobs that don’t reflect your ideal client mindset (those people you know you can wholeheartedly help) and stay true to your available hours (that YOU set!!!) AND the boundaries YOU put in place (that need upholding to actually work) 🙃🙃


Intentionally remind yourself of your answers so that you can take action on them throughout your New Year.

Once you have your list of actionable items, pop them somewhere you will be reminded of them each and every day! I do this in a number of different ways.

  1. 📌 I add my list to my Asana board for the year. This board includes everything I need to run my business for the year including goals set, services offered, plans, client jobs, etc AND my list of actionable items!

  2. 📌 I abbreviate and simplify my answers to include on sticky notes that get stuck on my computer or the mood board that sits behind my computer.

  3. 📌 I write my list in notes on my phone just incase :)

Does this mean I ALWAYS stick to them - absolutely not! I’m not perfect and I don’t know anyone who is. But, what it does do is remind me again and again of what I decided I wanted for this year. I may not always stick to the plan, but there is always a plan to come back to that guides me to the outcome I am looking for. If I don’t do this, that is not a Tay I like. And that does more harm to my mindset than anything. I have found that this exercise is incredibly beneficial in SO many different ways that it has become more of a ritual than anything.

And that is it! All the mapping out, calendar planning, offers, marketing, branding, etc, etc.. comes later. But, I find when I start with this exercise I am more excited and willing to jump into the next stage of planning my business for the New Year and that sense of focus and direction that comes from this only helps more with my direction.

I hope this exercise helps you in the same - if not even better way.

Happy New year to you and with excitement, I can not wait to help you bring your small business dreams to life in this beautiful New Year!


Tay xx

PS - Need a chat with a business buddy? Text me here - you know I am always here for real, raw and honest conversation!

Looking for more?

I love to help rural creatives build an impactful small biz with heart and I do that through photography + business mentoring. If you want to learn more, head on over to our photography or mentoring pages here 🙂 Or send me a text, I can’t wait to chat with you xx


Interrupt The Pattern!