The Hidden Creative Podcast

Adventures of a rural creative…

Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

What Is Success With Louise Holliday

Yes, we need money to pay the mortgage, the rent, the electricity. Yes, our business needs money to buy new stock, to pay for the subscriptions, to pay for website hosting, etc. BUT, have you found yourself thinking - I’m not in it for the money? Do you shy away from the 10x, or 6 figure promise that is splashed across the internet?

I do too :) And that’s why I invited Louise Holliday from Theodore & George as our guest on the podcast today because her take on what success means to her is something every rural small business owner should hear!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

The Real, The Raw + The Honest With Keira Gifford!

Today we get incredibly real, raw and honest with intuitive brand + web designer, creatress of the amazing small business Raw Confetti and Mumma of one, Keira Gifford!

This episode touches on many different aspects of being a business owner and a Mother; topics that can often be sensitive in nature. I know you will love to hear her story as Keira is so incredibly open + honest. Grab a cuppa and let's get chatting!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Finding Your Talent With Sam Snape

The Hidden Creative is about helping those people who need to recognise their talents. To give confidence to those who aren’t yet confident enough to go all in. It’s about helping you bring your dreams to life and share your gift with others, no matter what.

The guest that I’m interviewing today is what the Hidden Creative means to me. He inspires me with his courage and laid back attitude. His depth of emotion that no-one else can see on the outside. He is incredibly talented, and yet will tell you that he just "goes with the flow". He is a true hidden creative and today he shares his passion with us on the podcast!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

The New Social Media Guide For Rural Creatives :)

“Being social” according to Google means you crave companionship, belonging, community.

However, I would strongly argue the point that the Social Media we know today has been named incorrectly. Because even though at first glance it might seem that way, it actually has many differing qualities that would prove otherwise.

Today we are chatting about a new way of using social media in hope to bring about a positive change.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Creative Insight From A Rural Occupational Therapist With Louise Whitton

General society shouldn’t dictate what we market for. It shouldn’t tell us what our goals are. It shouldn’t be the reason for our actions. And yet somehow along the way, we forget that WE set the intention of our business.

In today’s episode I chat with one incredible lady about her adventures as an occupational therapist. You will discover that there are more ways than one for creating a rural business that doesn’t want to fit the box. A business that wants to intentionally be different, stand out and create their own pathway forward.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

A Creative At Heart With James O’Hanlon

“I think it’s allowed me to be myself a little bit in a way that maybe wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t regional. I think regional communities are really just crying out for good people to do good things.” The beautiful words spoken by our incredible guest James O’Hanlon in today’s podcast episode.

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