5 Tips For Taking Time Away From Your Business
Ready to go behind the scenes?
… Recently I had to prepare my business for my upcoming maternity leave and wow did I learn a whole heap! I thought I would share with you my top tips that you can also use when preparing your business for any time away :)
You need a break and it has just dawned on you that there is quite a lot of planning and prepping to do before you actually step away from your business… to not only make sure you are ready, BUT your business is ready too…
I know exactly how this feels because just recently I had to prepare my business for 3 months maternity leave and it looked a little something like this…
Planning + creating content
Scheduling content to social media platforms
Creating newsletters + scheduling
Scheduling bill payments
Keeping clients + audience up to date with upcoming dates + changes
... and the list goes on from there. I won't bore you with ALL the details, but you get the picture… it was a busy time :)
“Having time away from your business doesn’t limit you! It drives you when you need inspiration the most :)”
Taylah Maree
So, before you get too caught up in “all the things” to do, I just wanted to offer you some insight into the steps it takes to prepare your business for taking a break - the mindful way :)
All it takes is a dream and a little preparation to make it happen!
Let me share with you 👇👇
5 Tips For Taking Time Away From Your Business :
Step 1:
Pause in this moment! You have chosen to take a break/holiday/time away from your business and guess what! This is why you are a business owner isn’t it? So YOU can control your time :) And now you are doing just that! Be proud that you are able to do this and don’t forget to savour the moment. There was a time in your life when you dreamt of being a business owner and being able to do this!
If you need a little extra help with savouring the moment, check out our previous blog post “The Secret To Success”.
Step 2:
Work out your dates :) Ok, first things first. WHEN are you actually wanting time away from your business? YES, you absolutely can schedule time off (however long you want and for whatever reason) and knowing when to take time off is what will allow you to do this! Take out your calendar and physically record when you will be finishing and coming back to work again. Regardless of how long!
Needing a great online calendar recommendation? Try Google Calendar, it’s my favourite :)
Step 3:
While you have your calendar open, plan ahead. Depending on how long you are choosing to have away from your business, AUTOMATED newsletters, social media content + message/email responses are a savour! I truly mean this! Your business CAN still operate while you are enjoying time away and this is how. Set aside some time at least 4-6 weeks before you finish to plan out the content you will need, actually create it + then schedule, schedule, schedule. By taking the time today you won’t need to worry when you’re “be right back” sign is hanging on your desk :)
If you need recommendations, look into:
Recurpost and Planoly for scheduled + recurring social media content
Facebook’s automated responder for messages
Active Campaign for automated newsletters
Step 4:
Are you having a few weeks/months away? Do a little audit on any bills you might need to pay while you are away from your business. This one can be easily forgotten but if you have bills due in that time, schedule payments or pay in advance. It always feels nice being organised with bill payments :)
Step 5:
Don’t forget to keep your audience up to date. Let them know when you are away, when you are coming back and even share some snappies of your time away if you like :) Keeping your audience up to date with what is happening in your business creates trust and loyalty. Invite your audience in just that little bit more and share what’s happening with them!
Some of the best ways you can keep your audience informed include:
social media - facebook, instagram (stories, lives, posts)
blogging - on your website
a newsletter - share photos, a little story whatever you are comfortable with!
Preparing your business so that you can have time away is such a fun and exciting time! But, if you are needing a little help with “all the things”, I can help you prepare your business so that when your holidays do arrive, you can enjoy your time wholeheartedly knowing your business is still operating without you <3 Click the button below to chat about creating your holiday marketing strategy.
Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)
If you are a regional small business owner interested in discovering what’s possible for your small business please click here. I would love to share with you the Mindful Business Hub and the adventures that it holds!
If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here and don’t forget to say hi :)
If you would like to chat directly with me, I am currently on maternity leave however I am still answering emails. Send me an email by clicking here and I will reply as soon as I possibly can :)