How To Stay Positive In Business
The world of small business has been turned upside down in the last 12 months…
… and as a business owner you might be experiencing a little more “negativity” than normal.
First of all I want you to know that there is no judgement here!
Because if you are feeling a little down, or your days aren’t as bright as they normally are, than you certainly aren’t alone in feeling like this! Small business has many ups and downs, and Covid-19 has just brought a whole new set of challenges to face and lessons to learn for everyone!
YOUR day starts with YOUR choice. Do you want to be happy, or do you want to see only the negative. You decide.
Taylah Maree
But, here’s the thing…
You can chose to see this as a negative for your business and hope that things get better. OR, you can make them better starting today by simply choosing to see the positive in your situation right now.
Staying positive in business is all about your MINDSET and because your business reflects YOU and how you are feeling, if you need a little boost at the moment, then you have come to the right place :)
Let me share with you 👇👇
3 Tips For Staying Positive In Business :
Where your focus goes your energy flows so if you are operating from a place of negativity then that is exactly what you will create more of in your life - this is the law of attraction.
So if you feel your world is a little negative at the moment, here are a few suggestions to help limit the negativity coming IN.
Unsubscribe from others in your industry (unless you find inspiration in looking at what they do). If you feel the pressure of seeing others "doing well" when you feel your business might be a little quiet at the moment then do yourself the biggest favour and unsubscribe. This doesn't mean you don't support other businesses, quite the opposite. It means you are being mindful of keeping your energy high so that you can be supportive.
Limit your time scrolling social media or watching the news. This doesn't mean to turn off altogether and bury your head in the sand with what is happening around you. But, we are all feeling it! If you check in each morning at a certain time for 15 minutes or so to get the information you need, then it is ok if you want to tune out for the rest of your day to keep your energy high.
Minimise (digital/zoom/phone call) interaction with the people in your life who zap your energy. If you are honest with yourself, you know the ones. They seem to take more from you than they offer and by the end of your conversation you feel down, you lack energy and you feel like you have nothing else to give.
Yes this may sound easier said then done (particularly in a time like now) but once you are aware of your choices, you can choose what surrounds you! See the list below for ideas:
Join a community of like minded people who you know will uplift you - Facebook is great for this.
Speak with others who will motivate you - Who doesn’t love a good zoom session am I right :).
Reach out and ask for help if you need it - I know you and as a business owner this can be the hardest thing of all to do, but don’t ever stay stuck in your own thoughts. There is always someone there to help you.
Follow pages that inspire you - Instagram is full of inspiring accounts and hashtags.
Read books or listen to podcasts that spark your joy - Do you like to go for a walk? My favourite thing to do is pop on a podcast while I walk. I come back always ready to start my day feeling wonderful!
Positive is on purpose. Which means that being positive is not something you will wake up feeling every single morning. It means that you will have to choose to be positive every single day.
Our body naturally seeks out the negative as a survival mechanism to keep us safe. But you can refocus your thoughts to consciously choose to be positive.
Positive people are positive because they choose to be ❤️
So if you want to be positive in business, be conscious of what you are putting out into the world too. What are you choosing to think, feel and act on?
How do you respond to situations in your business?
What content do you publish or share? Does it represent how you want to feel?
How do you treat those around you - your staff, your family, your friends?
What language are you using to explain your thoughts?
The more good you put into your world the more it will come back to you!
I know that it can be tricky sometimes to stay positive, but I really hope these little tips help you in your daily routines (if any of us still have one ) Sending so many positive vibes your way :) You’ve got this!
Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)
If you are a regional small business owner interested in discovering what’s possible for your small business please click here. I would love to share with you the Mindful Business Hub and the tools it can provide for you!
If you want to stay up to date with my adventures, please follow me on Facebook here and don’t forget to say hi :)
If you would like to chat directly with me, I am currently on maternity leave however I am still answering emails. Send me an email by clicking here and I will reply as soon as I possibly can :)