How Do I Start?


“Tay, I have an idea but I don’t know what to do with it…

… I get so caught up in “how” it will work that it prevents me from taking any action at all. How do I start?”

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You’ve had this thought once or twice before am I right? I know this, because it’s a thought I have had too. All business owners at times fall into that trap of wondering “how” to do something or where to even start that they stop before they even begin!

There are countless ideas that are never brought to life because we just don’t know how to start them!

It took me more time then I’d like to admit, but I did find one very simple solution to actioning ideas and I really want to share that with you today!

So if you have had an idea and you feel a little stuck, lost or directionless, then keep on reading :)

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“The world needs what only you can provide! Don’t let other’s miss out!”

Taylah Maree

Before we get to the steps, there’s just one more thing I want to mention. By you playing small or not actioning your ideas, then others miss out on the amazing gift that only you can provide this world! You could be sitting on an idea that changes someones life! Read that again if you have to.

So that is why I have put together a little video and very easy steps below that you can action starting today to get that idea up and running!

Don’t miss out anymore on the world of possibilities that awaits you👇👇


5 Steps To Bringing Your Ideas To Life.

Step 1:

You have this amazing idea floating around in your mind but you are so caught up in the “HOW” that you feel confused or lost in your direction. Your first step is to clear your mind of overwhelm and uncertainty by either going for a walk, taking a break from your work for 5 minutes, or putting the jug on and making a cuppa :) (My personal favourite!)

Now, I know you. Don’t go and skip over this step because this step is the most important! Your mind needs to be operating at it’s best for step 2 :)

Step 2:

Find a notepad, a pen and a quiet, inspiring space and with a clear mind, ask yourself these two questions:

  1. WHAT does my idea involve?

  2. WHY do I want to pursue this idea?

Write your answers down in your notepad or journal - the physical sense of writing down your idea will help you to express it more freely :)

Be completely judgment free and write every thought you have had for your idea.

Step 3:

Now comes the magic! It might look simple, but you now have the start of a plan. A plan that will help you to ACTION your idea!!! Within your answers for WHAT your idea is and WHY you want to pursue it, you will discover the steps you need to take to bring it to life! You just need to look at your answers with a new perspective. The perspective of taking action :)

For example:

WHAT - “I want to have a stall at a market day with my products, take my products to new areas around my region + grow my client base.”


  1. Research + find market days that align with your values. Market days you know you would love to attend.

  2. Speak to the market day organisers about what’s involved in being a stall holder and book your spot.

  3. Plan how much stock you will need to take, how you want your stand to look and how you will accept payment on the day.

  4. Create the stock you will need, source your stand decor + organise your payment provider.

WHY - “I am ready to turn my love of creating into something that I can make a profit from. I want something that is just for me, that allows me to feel successful and helps me to provide for my family. I love to help others and I can not wait to see what my product can do for my clients.”


  1. Work out your business expenses, your cost of goods + the income you want to make so that you price your products to receive a PROFIT.

  2. Create a client database and have a way of collecting peoples details on the day of the market.

  3. Use your why as your biggest motivator. When you start to see what’s involved in bringing your idea to life you will naturally have moments of self doubt. This is your comfort zone bringing you back to where it knows you are safe. Do the work to recognise + release any limiting beliefs that come up for you so that nothing will stop you from bringing your dreams to life!

Step 4:

Lastly, take action! You will not have an idea that you aren’t capable of achieving because just by thinking about something, it means you have everything you need to pursue it! Otherwise you wouldn’t have had the idea in the first place!

I am SO excited to see what you create with your amazing ideas!! Please keep me updated. My contact details are below :) xx

Note - You will know this idea is something worth pursuing if it is something you continually think about all the time :)

I LOVE to help people bring their ideas to life! If you need help with any of the steps above, please get in touch with me via the details below!! xx

Want to know the next steps for connecting with me :)

  1. If you are ready for the next steps to create something special from your idea please click here. The Mindful Business Hub is a digital course for ambitious creatives looking to grow their ideas and bring their dreams to life!

  2. If you want to stay up to date with my adventures or get in touch, please follow me on Facebook here or Instagram here and don’t forget to say hi :)

  3. If you would like join the Taylah Maree newsletter list, you will receive emails to keep you motivated, inspired + on track to achieving your biggest goals in business and life! Click here to sign up today.


Owning A Small Business


The Secret To Success - It Isn’t What You Think!